02/18/2023 || PPG Digimon Event
Home stretch, we're almost done with the recent VoDs!....And we get to do this one, bleh. It was fine TM.
02/15/2023 || Digimon || Packs and Video Games
Maybe it's because I'm trying to slam all these VoD descriptions out before passing out but I don't have much to say here?
01/23/2023 || GFG Run || BloomHydra Finally Betrayed Me
Ah, this was such a rough tournament, I forgot to unmute my first opponent for stream, name tags were swapped, whole thing.
01/27/2023 || Digimon Nationals Practice
Sorry, but here comes the VoD Onslaught, which is to say like 12 VoD's over the course of like 5 days I'll be gone.